the ramblings, rantings, ravings, and readings of one eron g. being from the San Francisco Bay Area of foggy California, eron g is usually angry or confused about something.
warning: this blog is rated R for language, alcohol use, and sexual themes.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Results Are In...

...and they're not good.

Didn't get job I was trying for. And their reason for not hiring me? Well, it boils down to: You don't have enough experience in this job field.

So, I can't have the job because I've never done the job.

One of those times where the logic in that makes me want to defenestrate myself.

Oh, and I was up for an overseas gig. They were jazzed and couldn't wait to get me, but... lost the funding. They can't afford to hire folks from the U.S. right now. So they're just borrowing some higher-ups to go train their locals (who they can pay much less than they'd need to pay me.)


This is TOTALLY one of those times where I feel like The Universe (a.k.a. God) is sending me a not-so-subtle hint.

On a lighter note, Focus Vitamin Water is good. All my B vitamins plus ginko biloba... which I always forget to take.


Blogger panzerjedi said...

I get that response a lot. "You can't be an entry level programmer for us because you don't have 5 published titles under your belt." OMG. Isn't entry level programmer supposed to be a n00b?!

9:32 AM


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