the ramblings, rantings, ravings, and readings of one eron g. being from the San Francisco Bay Area of foggy California, eron g is usually angry or confused about something.
warning: this blog is rated R for language, alcohol use, and sexual themes.

Monday, October 24, 2005

A Little Pixelante Justice

If you have any sort of inclination towards playing video games, you're aware of this. Yeah, Jack Thompson, esq. is back to his slanderous, ill-conceived, name-calling ways.

Anyway, as Tycho pointed out, Crackpot Jack did manage to blurt out a damn fine neologism: Pixelante.

The guys at Straight Loop have made a t-shirt with the new word. I've ordered my Pixelante t-shirt. Proceeds go to Tycho & Gabe's gamer-funded charity. You should get one, too. Not cuz Crackpot Jack said it, but cuz it's funny and you're helping make kids in the hospital happy. And that's a good thing.


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