the ramblings, rantings, ravings, and readings of one eron g. being from the San Francisco Bay Area of foggy California, eron g is usually angry or confused about something.
warning: this blog is rated R for language, alcohol use, and sexual themes.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

...the crow said to the goose.

Geese have taken over the lawn at work again this year. I'd heard that some group was working towards getting the geese to return to their regular migratory patterns, but... I like 'em.

Sure, there's goose poop everywhere, but the geese themselves are pretty. I, however, am in the minority. Most folks dislike the geese and their noisy, poopin' ways. They also dislike the ducks that come back early and swim in our fountain. I enjoy the ducks as well. Besides, the ducks poop in the fountain, keeping the sidewalk clean and the fountain maintenance guy in business.

The only other regulars to the area who seem to enjoy the geese are the crows. Yesterday, as I was wandering the 60 yards from one building to another, I spotted a group of about 20 geese on the lawn poking around for snails or such. In the middle of their gaggle was one, solitary, black crow. The crow, too, was preoccupied with looking for a snack. At first, I thought this looked sort of crazy: one crow in the middle of all these geese. But then I realized that this was the most intelligent crow on the planet. He had 20, large, noisy bodyguards surrounding him. One of the bigger bodyguards on the outskirts stopped foraging and fixed one black, unblinking eye on me as I walked past.

"Good eyes there, Johnny. I'll find you a nice plump grub."

Smartest crow ever.


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