Saw Serenity. Saluted same.
Finally saw Serenity last night. If you haven't seen it, better do it tonight.
This is clearly a case of "The Best Movie You Aren't Watching." Having watched 2 to 3 episodes of Firefly per night in order to gear up for the movie, I was amped for it. I even dressed up like Wash. *sniff* sad.
Anywho, the movie was the best Sci-Fi flick I've seen in years. (No, I didn't go see Star Wars Ep 3, which supposedly rawked, but Eps 1 & 2 sucked soooo badly, I wasn't going to waste my money.) It does stand on its own, so if you haven't seen the series, you'll be fine. But if you have, it's great and ties up a few lose ends. HOWEVER, it leaves two big questions unresolved: Blue Sun Corp. and the Hands of Blue.
River was being hunted down by two men in black suits wearing blue gloves. They were ruthless killers and used seemingly "black-ops" tactics and weaponry in their hunt. The Hands of Blue almost had River on Ariel, but couldn't get to her in time, with all that killing they needed to do first. But they make no appearence in Serenity. Aren't even mentioned.

This is all speculative conjecture on my part, mind you, but these are the questions that will keep me up at night. And since Serenity is unlikely to make 50 million dollars (U.S.) at the box office, we may never get a sequel.
And I will be sad.
One more thing: Stop saying you are leaf on the wind. You aren't.
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