LittleBig Addiction

A buddy of mine landed himself two Beta tickets to the Beta test of LittleBig Planet. He was kind enough to pass one over to me (as I'm the only other person he knows who owns a PS3) and I grabbed that key and ran. It took quite a while to download the game client on my pitifully slow 801.g network at home but it was well worth the wait.
Ok: Annoyances.
1. Making me play through a tutorial on the most intuitive of functions and devices drives me mad. One can only hope that there's a way disable this "helpful feature" in the Retail version.
2. uh....
Yeah, that's it for what annoys me about LBP.
My SackBoy avatar is orange and is currently sporting the Douglas Fairbanks look. He's awesome. If he could wink, he'd be my wife's favorite video game character of all time. Seriously; when he smiled and flashed the peace symbol at her, she wanted to snatch him out of the TV set and hug him.
And yes, I am fulfilling my Beta Test obligation of making a level. I won't tell you what I'm building nor will I say what set I'm basing it in. But I hope it turns out awesome.
First impressions on this game are: it looks like it will live up to the hype.
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