the ramblings, rantings, ravings, and readings of one eron g. being from the San Francisco Bay Area of foggy California, eron g is usually angry or confused about something.
warning: this blog is rated R for language, alcohol use, and sexual themes.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Of backs and floors

I hope your Thanksgiving went well (if you celebrate it), I know mine did. I made mashed potatoes, roast turkey, stuffing (although, since it was never in the dead bird, it's just "dressing"), glazed carrots, green beans, and sweet potato pie. It was my first ever s.p.p., and I made "savory" rather than sweet so it could be served with the main meal, not as a dessert. MAN was it good. It didn't last long, I'm sorry to say. Actually, the only plentiful leftover is the turkey. But I'm ok with that. Mmm... dead bird carcass. (Yes, we had cranberry sauce, but I didn't make it. I actually prefer the canned gelatin stuff.)

And then, on Friday, I was enjoying a bit of downtime before we ran some errands and *BAMF!* I threw my back out. The main cause for my back outages is, in my opinion, the fact that no matter how much weight I lose, I manage to KEEP the bulky beer belly. That much belly pulling forward on the spine is enough to cause some difficulties. I tell ya, I do enjoy lying around the house doing nothing, but when that's ALL that I can do... it SUCKS. My lovely wifey, we'll just call her "Saffron" up here (as I often do), called the chiropractor (or, as we say in spanish "ruido de pato") and got me in bright and early Saturday morning.

As often as I bash chiropractors, this woman knows her stuff. I was x-rayed, scanned, examined, and quizzed before she had me lie down on the table. Then, *CREEAAACK!* Oh, but that wasn't it. Sure, she popped L5 right back into its correct position, (enabling me to walk like a normal person again) but then she proceeded to realign my middle back and my neck. Ever have something hurt and feel soooo damn good at the same time? I was smiling with tears in my eyes.

Today, I'm sore, but good. I've been alternating the ice and walking around and lying down since I got home yesterday. Sitting is bad (so I'm done writing now) but standing and walking are good.

So hey, if you think chiropractors are quacks... I believe you are mistaken. I was.


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