No, not a Martini.
I added the "Hawthorn" to my list of approved Martini-type beverages while the wifey and I were in Monterey two weeks ago.
Before I get into it, I'll start by saying that, by and large, I completely and wholeheartedly agree with Joseph Dobrian:
While it is true that you can follow [a martini] recipe, substituting vodka for gin, and produce a liquid that some people will drink, believe me, it is not a martini, not no way, not no how. It is a concoction suitable only for those who have no soul and less guts.
I have nothing against vodka, but a martini is made with gin. You want vodka and dry vermouth? Order a kangaroo.

But it still annoys me that I have to explain to bartenders what a Gibson is. So far, only ONE restaurant/bar I've ever been to hasn't questioned me on the Gibson. Hrmph. "Gibson, wet" is a lot easier to say than "A gin martini with 3 onions, 1/2 ounce of vermouth".
When we were in Washington DC at the end of May, I ordered a Gibson at the bar in our hotel (Hotel Sofitel) and the gal asked, "Bombay Sapphire?"
I nearly fainted.
And it was PERFECT. We wound up hitting the bar nearly every night we were there because the Gibson was a source of instant and pure joy!
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