The Day the N Left, and the 15 Died.

Today, is a sad day.
Today is the last day that you can ride the 15... ever. And while that is sad, what saddens me more is that today is also the last day you can ride the N Judah out to Caltrain and the Ball Park.
No longer can I hop on the N and cruise the scenic ride down the Embarcadero to Mission Bay. No. As of tomorrow, I'll have to hop on either J Church or T Third. Mind you, I don't have a problem with either of those lines (other than the fact that they're single cars and will be stuffed like cannoli with commuters) it's just that I've been riding the N back and forth from Montgomery to 4th & King since it first started making the run. And that's a long time.
Not to mention the fact that N line operators have a unique sense of humor about their jobs. This morning, the N driver reminded us that on Monday, we'll need to catch the T or the J. He then commented...
"But I don't know how those single-car trains will be able to handle the folks I carry every morning. So, if you can, try to become VERY skinny this weekend!"
Now, the only time I'll ride the N is when I need to cruise on down to 11th go get a hand-held pie (damn, but those curry potato pies are GOOD!) or over to Duboce Park to watch people be silly and dogs be dogs.
So, we the faithful Embarcadero commuters say goodbye to the N.
You have served us well. We will miss you.
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