More on the N

No, I'm not commenting on my own writing style... I actually smell horrid. And yes, I showered, shaved, brushed my teeth, and used deodorant this morning.
What happened was...
While waiting for the N Judah this morning, a person of suspect hygiene and below-standard courtesy decided to light up. He already smelled as if he'd chain-smoked 2 packs before lighting up, so this latest bath in nicotine-soaked smoke wasn't helping.
He wasn't smoking Marlboros or Camels, or I'd've stood nearby and drunk in the second-hand smoke. (Hey, shut it. I quit smoking in college, but it doesn't mean I can't have a little fun now and again.) Whatever cigs he was smoking smelled horrid and I promptly wandered away.
The N Judah arrived and we all piled in like good little lemmings... and guess who stood RIGHT next to me? Yeah, Mr. Smoky McStinkensmell.
The ride took no longer than usual... but upon fleeing the N at the Montgomery Station, I found that I could still smell Mr. McStankanreek. His stench permeated my own clothes. GRAAHH!!
I swear, if I didn't love this shirt (and loath the Gap's latest fashion disasters) I'd go buy new clothes and throw what I'm wearing away. It's beyond annoying that I now have to endure this sinus-clogging situation.
So, in the spirit of my latest trend...
Ladies and Gentlemen.
Before riding the N Judah, T Third, J Church, or M Ocean View, please refrain from making yourself stink.
If you already stink before arriving at the MUNI station or stop of your choosing, please refrain from making it WORSE.
If it's the morning and you've showered, and yet you already stink: you're doing it wrong. Please watch Sesame Street and learn how to bathe.
If you don't know whether or not you stink, or you've applied cologne, perfume, or both; trust us: you stink.
Thank you for riding MUNI.
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