Support Joss Whedon!

Yes, a group of us at The Company "banded" together to purchase silicon bracelets proclaiming for all to see, who our master is.
You will note, of course, the color of the bracelet: brown. Yes... everything looks good from here. Yes... yes... this is a fertile land and we will thrive. We will rule over all this... sorry. Got caught up in the moment.

Not only that, but this one trinket also denounces that flop of a filmmaker, that scourge of the cinema, that butcherer of... you get the idea. Why anyone continues to pay that person to visually assault movie-goers is beyond me.
The bracelet is brown with silver lettering. It's stylish and goes with anything. It's also quite comfortable. Sorry, but I don't have any extras to spare. They've all been accounted for. (Yes, oh Sister of Mine, you're on the list.)
For details on how to order your very own, feel free to shoot me a line.
Check out this Kotaku page for all your Uwe Boll news! Bonus! Includes Kristanna Loken topless footage from that Bloodrayne movie that this hack of a director made. I hear he's signed up for directing movie adaptations of Far Cry and Postal. And even better, he's reading the Metal Gear Solid script.
Yay! Let's fuck up all video game to movie adaptations.
God I hate this guy. More so than Michael Bay.
11:40 PM
You are the bestest brother ever!! If I weren't so starved for Pizza and Coffee right now I'd walk over at lunch time. But alas... the 300 building is calling to me.
Come get me HOLLYWOOOOOD!!
11:59 AM
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