the ramblings, rantings, ravings, and readings of one eron g. being from the San Francisco Bay Area of foggy California, eron g is usually angry or confused about something.
warning: this blog is rated R for language, alcohol use, and sexual themes.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

My God. It's full of STENCH.

When you're hired on as a regular full-time employee of The Company, you get to have an exceedingly boring talk with a person in Human Resources. This person in Human Resources is usually very attractive with minty-fresh breath. The chat consists of the HR person telling you all of the great things that being a slave to part of The Company affords you. And, she tells you to bathe.

Seriously. It's in the employee handbook or something. "Appropriate personal grooming habits" or the like. So, basically, if I stank, I could be canned for it.

Temporary and Contract employees, are not regular full-time employees and are therefore exempt from the "You stank, you fired!" rule.

How do I know this? Well, there's a group of contract workers not far from where I sit. I have to walk past them when I get up for a soda. I have to walk past them to use the head. I have to walk past them to enter or exit the building.

I'd noticed a smell before. Nicotine. Nicotine and sweat. Well, today it achieved a new level: nicotine, sweat, and shit. Now, I'm not one to bandy that word around unless I mean it, but seriously, it smells like shit.

I came back from the bathroom, which, by the way, always stanks, and noticed their stench was WORSE.

I got back to my desk and rammed Pepp-O-Mint LiveSavers up my nose.

I caught one of their team leaders later and told him, "Dude, your people stink." He was fully aware that they did and had already spoken to them about it, but he was prepared to tell them that their stench is so foul that other people in the building were complaining.

I told him that'd be happy to tell them that were a bunch of stinky bastards, but he said he'd handle it.

I'll be the judge of that.


Blogger panzerjedi said...

Oh joy... hired stinky people AGAIN did ya?

11:59 AM

Blogger erong said...

Not our crew... but another crew on the floor. I think a chat may have been had because they weren't offensive today.

5:12 PM

Blogger panzerjedi said...

Ah I see... For a moment there I thought you guys didn't learn your lesson the last time around. =D

11:10 PM


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