the ramblings, rantings, ravings, and readings of one eron g. being from the San Francisco Bay Area of foggy California, eron g is usually angry or confused about something.
warning: this blog is rated R for language, alcohol use, and sexual themes.

Monday, December 05, 2005


I guess there's a blogger up here on BlogSpot with a recent entry that very cleverly repackages the information in this post from the "domain rookie" who stole the information from Guardian Guide, who in turn ripped it off from Snopes. Not that I'm bashing this guy for taking something on the web, tweaking it, and passing it off as his own idea...

Ok, maybe I am.

In the interest of full disclosure, my own "Thanks" was a modified version of an e-mail making its rounds these days. I posted it here to keep it, as I do often. Things like that amuse me. The difference between what this other person did and what I did being: I stated it wasn't mine.

What this character should have done was to take that information and intro it with something like:
So, some other websites have noted that people should really think hard before registering their web domains. Here's a list of bad domain ideas that's been floating around with a couple that I found added in...
Seems easy enough to me.

In this day of rampant plagiarism, give credit where it's due whenever possible. PLEASE!


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